K&M Betta Belly Mix
This is a specifically formulated mix that will directly target better gut health and aid in the prevention of ulcer outbursts.
Equine Ulcers are often caused by a number of things with stress being the number on trigger, the horse gets stressed then this hightens gut acids that cause irritation of the stomach and intestine lining.
With this in mind this mix will help coat and neutralise the stomach and inestine’s on a daily basis minamising irritation.
This mix contains Marshmallow Root Powder based
Ingredients: are all human certified grade products. And no swabbable drugs either.
Due to copying I will not be disclosing ingredients her however they will be on the product bag if you horse has allergies I’m more than happy to tell you if my product has that product contained.
Dose Horses: 2-4 scoops daily, Ponies 1-3 scoops daily
itis recommended for horses to stay on this mix for best effects.